
Nov 29, 2014

26 Days till Christmas!

Christmas will be here in 26 short days.....
 This is exactly how I feel - shocked? excited? holy cow? All in one!
 We now have our tree up and each night I'm being asked "Is Santa coming tonight?"

 With the holiday cheer gets us planning for the holiday's. I find that guys are SO hard to buy for. This is my fix for this year.....

 PERFECT Brother In Law Gift.
Here's to a productive, joyous and Happy December!

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Nov 24, 2014

3 S's of Social Media

Social Media is an incredible tool for all of us both personally as well as professionally. There are 3 things that are so simple yet can kill others perception of you. Start implementing these today and you'll have a more value driven following on all of your social media platforms. 
  1. SPELL CHECK: this comes from a self proclaimed terrible speller. But we all have access to spell check/google/dictionaries etc. If you see those red squiggles under a word that indicates to you that it needs attention. Don't forget to re-read what your saying to make sure it all sounds correct as well. 
  2. SHARE QUALITY CONTENT: Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? This law states that what you put out will be drawn in. By sharing value driven content you'll be attracting like minded, positive people. This is particularly important in the business world. 
  3. SHOW YOU CARE: Interact with your friends, ask questions, share positive quotes, birthday well wishes, personal messages. All of these interactions will show others that you truly care about their well being and want the best for them rather than what others can do for you.

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Nov 18, 2014

Why Do You Work from Home Anyways?

Why Do you Work from Home Anyways? 
Do you really earn an income that is worth while?

These are great questions that do need validation for those who have never worked from home successfully. If you do own a business an are able to work from your home you already know the answers. The fact is that 52% of all small businesses are home based. That's HUGE!

1. Time Freedom to set your own schedule  Being able to be the one who waits for my kids when they get off the bus, being able to put them to bed, make cookies with them and be there when they need me is a great feeling. Because I have been able to tailor my schedule around their needs has to be one of the best reason's I work from home.
2. Financial Gain  Helping to contribute to our finances, pay off debt, having extra spending money, pay for our need's in cash are all crucial and often the number 1 reason why people start a home business.
3. Home Businesses Tax Write Off's There are so many tax benefit's! Everything from your internet to a portion of your home owner's insurance.
4. No Commuting I can't imagine driving in bumper to bumper traffic while wanting to be home. I would much rather have my 30 second commute!
5. Being able to spend quality time with Your Family My #1 WHY is my Family! As a little girl I always dreamed of being a mom... By being able to work from the comfort of my home I'm able to be the BEST Mom I can be. 

How about you? Do you work from home? Do you want to? What is the biggest benefit for you? No matter what business your in, if you are earning a pay-check from your home... we're in this together!

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Nov 12, 2014

Terrible Two's

 The Terrible Two's are in full swing at our house!
This little monkey has made life very interesting this past week and tested my patients many times... Just a reminder to myself, this too shall pass!
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Nov 5, 2014


 Each of our girls are so incredibly different and each of their strengths and challenges. This verse gives great understanding when looking at each of them and their personalities...

Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God?
—1 Corinthians 6:19
 My sweet, sweet Lilian...
 ... She is an incredible big sister yet she has a hard time coming out of her shell, she is an incredible artist yet struggles with reading, she is incredibly talented yet gets discouraged easily...
 ... She makes me smile yet can frustrate the heck out of me, she shares the most similarities to me and for that, at times, I'm so glad yet worry for the undesirable traits...
...She is Loved beyond any words could describe, not only by myself and our family but SHE is a daughter of the King of Kings and I know God has incredibly big plans for her even when she doesn't have faith in herself. 
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Nov 3, 2014

5 Free Thanksgiving Meal Planner Printables

November is here and to me that symbolizes that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I've never hosted Thanksgiving before and I decided months ago I was going to do so for my family. So now the planning begins. I'm so excited!

 Here are 5 Free Printable Meal  Planners that are all fabulous in their own way. Under each image you'll find a link to click on to find the source and print there.
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Here is to a well planned November with lots of success and yummy pie!
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