
Dec 31, 2014

10 Quotes for the New Year

Get Ready... Get Set... Make 2015 an Incredible Year!

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Dec 29, 2014

Family: Life's greatest blessing

 In between the cold weather,
Christmas programs, 
 Drinking hot cocoa,
and making Chocolate Snowman cakes I'm reminded that ...
 ...Family truly is Life's Greatest Blessing!

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Dec 25, 2014

A Savior was Born

Isaiah 7:14, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." 
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! 
We wish you much love, joy, happiness and blessings as you celebrate the birth of our Savior. 

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Dec 16, 2014

Clear Your Mind

This little stinker keeps me on my toes and tests me in ways the girls never have! 
At time's I just need to clear my mind as I'm sure every mom has felt before.
So we go outside, Owen plays in the backyard and I play in the Garage. 
 Being able to create helps me to clear my thoughts and have more focus when we go back inside. I find I'm able to accomplish a lot more as well as Owen being more content!
 My passion is being able to help others work from home and have flexibility in their schedules and financial peace, but I also know I can't help others if my mind is boggled.

Being able to do something that I enjoys and is peaceful is so rewarding and helps me to be a better me! 
Tag along with me on Facebook and see all of my creations by clicking ---> HERE <--- br="">

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Dec 12, 2014

DIY Chalkboard Wall hanging

We made these super cute  interchangeable Chalkboard Wall Hangs at a recent MOPS meeting. There super fun and really easy to make.
Start with a 1/2 in board and cut it into 4x4inch pieces, you'll need 4 for each wall hang.

Then paint them with Chalkboard paint.

Cut a piece of burlap (the kind that's in a roll works best) to about a 2 feet span. Then glue your wood pieces to the burlap.

Cut a piece of twine. It should be about 9 inches long. Tie the ends together into a slip knot.

Cut another piece of burlap down to about a foot long. Fold together and glue the edge.

Then bunch in the middle to form a bow.

Use your cut piece of twine to go around the center. You will want to secure with a small bit of glue.

Your bow is ready :)

Glue the bow to the top center of your finished project and hang around your home. The word options are endless and this can be used for any season... Home, NOEL, Kiss, Love etc.
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Dec 9, 2014

Your Dreams into Plans

It's amazing to think that 2014 is almost over. Our family has been able to accomplish many things that we had set out to do in this year and yet somethings that we we're not able to conquer .

Do you set New Years Resolutions? Create a list of Goal's at the new year? Plan out every major task you want to try your hands at?

Sometimes the biggest obstacle is ourselves. According to only 8% of American's accomplish their New Years Resolutions.


Because there isn't a well thought out plan in place to reach their Goals!

Set yourself apart in 2015 and Reach Your Goals in 4 easy steps!
  1. The first step is the easiest... You Must have a Dream or Resolution for yourself. Anything from losing weight to starting a new business.
  2. Your Road Map needs to be SPECIFIC! Set some SMART goals. S=Specific, M=Measurable, A=Attainable, R=Relevant, T=Time Bound. 
  3. Share your Goals with someone to help keep you Accountable. Maybe your spouse, a friend, or business partner. 
  4. WORK! We've all heard it, work works! Make a visual tracker to keep in front of you each day to help remind you of WHY your working towards that goal.

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