
Jan 21, 2015

DIY Love Never Fails Sign

I saw this super cute sign online but the price tag was awful! So I decided to DIY my own. It's really pretty simple. 
 I started with three 6x1 by 17 inch long barn wood. I used my kreg and fastened all three pieces of wood together to make a square.
 Once the square was made I painted it with some aqua paint.
 After the paint was dried I sanded it to give the rustic feel.
 I then got creative and did a little free hand painting.

 Once the Love was dry I added the heart and "never fails" in black paint. 
Then attach a wall bracket to the back for hanging.
 My sign is now complete minus the $75.00 price tag that was on it.

Turning Dreams into Reality

In 1999 Donna had a decision to make; she was pregnant with her second child, and she wanted to be at home with her children.

Read more here.....  

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Jan 20, 2015

50s in January

 The sunshine the last few days has been so well received by our family! It was in the low 50s yesterday and it means so many fun things to us. 
  1. No heavy coats,
  2. No ice to break on the tanks,
  3. Sunshine, beautiful sunshine,
  4. Playing with sidewalk chalk,
  5. Riding bikes, 
  6. Building in the garage, 
  7. We don't have to wear snow boots to school, 
  8. Playing on the swing set without gloves.
Friday March 20th is the first day of spring and I'm counting down the days to more 50* + days.

Be Careful with Work at Home Businesses  With today’s economy and lack of financial security, so many people are looking for a way to work for themselves from home. Having your own business, has proven to be the best way to gain control and get ahead financially. Read More Here...

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Jan 14, 2015

A place for Everything

 One of my resolutions for this year is to be more organized! I can be the person who spends a few hours looking for something as simple as an important piece of paper or even my car keys. 
 1 Corinthians 14:33 says "God is not a God of disorder but of peace."
 I know that if I'm more organized and have a place for everything my life will have more order and peace for myself and my entire family.
 My dresser can be a catch all for everything important and not. But no matter what these few things are always on my dresser. So I used a scrap piece of wood, stained it and added some re-purposed drawer pulls to give a place of order.
Having texture between the dresser, burlap, wood and pulls it gives a sense of visual peace as well. 
Here's to an Organized day!
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  Never Give Up!

 In the pitch-black night, stung by jellyfish, choking on salt water, singing to herself, hallucinating …Diana Nyad just kept on swimming Read More Here...

Jan 12, 2015

Be Aware

 According to a survey conducted by Forbes Magazine 1 in 5 Americans are working from their own Home. This is a mix of Home Based Business Owners as well as Telecommuting individuals.

Over the past 10 years there has been over a 41% surge in individuals wanting to work from home. With the rise in numbers it's important to keep yourself safe as your diving into new ventures.


  1. Power in Numbers! We've all heard this saying and it's true when it comes to the age of the company your investigating. Don't buy into the hype of ground floor ventures. I recommend partnering with a company that has at least 20 year's of business under their belt.
  2. Better Business Bureau! We've all heard of the BBB, this is an organization that researches companies. Partnering with a company that has an A+ rating gives peace of mind!
  3. Educate, Educate, Educate! Take the time to learn about the company that your looking into. The more you know, the better you'll be equipped to be successful in earning an income.

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  Famous Failures

Life is about taking chances and enjoying the ride. Read More Here...

Jan 7, 2015

Key's to Super Productivity

Robin Sharma has so many incredible books and tips! This video has 3 Key's to Super Productivity. 
I mean who doesn't want to be more productive?

Here are my favorite takeaways from this video:
1. Work in 90 minute cycles
2.Use your most creative times for your best work. {Calendar it out!}
3.Spend time Recovering and Renewing everyday! 

What we're your favorite tips?
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Jan 5, 2015

My first DIY for 2015: Command Center

One of my big goals for 2015 is to be more organized. I know that if I'm able to do this the rest of my life will be much simpler. 
I saw all of these cool command centers on Pinterest, a place where all of the notes, important papers etc. go and I knew just the place to create one in our home. 
 This is the before shot of what this wall looked like. It's a door way off of our Laundry room, a spot in our home that I frequent. Obviously I wasn't using this spot to its full potential and it for sure wasn't very eye appealing.
My first step was to mask and paint the wall with some chalk board paint that I had on hand along with clearing out the old papers that had been lingering. 
 I had all of these fun pieces just hanging out in our house serving no purpose so I grouped them together and gave them a home.
 I attached some eye hooks to the wall and hung a piece of twine with some small clothes pins for our Masterpieces!
 Added a little burlap bunting for some girly flare.
 Hung this hook and bucket for pens, chalk and dry erase markers.
 I've also had this organization wall hanger for over a year. I've used it some but not to it's full potential.
 I now have a spot for all of my kids school stuff. 
And a pocket for each of their important papers, spelling tests and notebooks. As I've been scouring the Internet looking for organizational 
tips here are the top 2 that I really think will help me:
1.Make a designated place for everything.
2.If it doesn't have a place or serve a purpose, get rid of it.

Here's to being organized in 2015!
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