
Aug 31, 2015

Monday's Motivation

Welcome back! I love getting motivated each Monday for the week ahead of me. This week my motivation ties into our kitchen and how we feed our bodies.

Our garden is in full flourish right now and I have to say when fresh fruit's and veggies are in front of our family we eat more of them, feel better and have more energy. It's amazing how you can be so inspired as you watch produce grow in front of you. Here's some Advice from a Garden that will give you some Monday Motivation!

Did you know, it takes 21 days. 21 day's of healthy eating and working out to establish a habit. So let's fill our plates with healthy, rich, colorful food for our families.

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Aug 27, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Be bigger than your fears and be #unstoppable!  
 {Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Organized Play

 One of my goal's for 2015 was to create a more organized home to create more room for joy and peace rather than anxiety and worry over clutter or where things are. I started the year off with our Command Center.  With the girls back school it's coming in very useful. 

1 Corinthians's 14:40 says this... But all things should be done decently and in order. 
That verse has been a great reminder to me in our home, car, business, shopping and family.
This little monkey of mine is almost 3! So hard to believe. With that being said we're acquiring more and more little animals and tractors in our home. And nothing hurts more than stepping on a little lamb or cow in the middle of the night! So I found a solution!
I picked up this metal pan at a local store for $6.00s. The toys are now visible but organized and in place. 
 Our little man has done a great job of keeping them in there spot too.
 It's amazing how it's taken 4 kids for me to find that this method really does work for our home and toys.

 For our big girls I have a bucket of Jenga blocks on the table, it's amazing how they interact, create and play with each other when the tools are right in front of them. 
Here's to creating an Organized home... One spot at a time!

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Aug 25, 2015

BEST Morning Muffins

 School is back in session here. That means early morning's, homework, a set schedule and bedtime at 7:30. One of my FAVORITE (as well as our families go to) recipe was given to me by my sister in law. These muffin's are so very yummy! You can even mix up the dry ingredients ahead of time, keep in a jar and mix the wet ingredients when your ready to use for simplicity. 
 Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins
 1/2 C. Butter
3/4 C. Brown Sugar
3 Ripe Bananas 
2 C. Flour
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
3/4 C. Sugar
2 Eggs
3 tsp. Vanilla
2 tsp. Baking Soda
1 C. Chocolate Chips

 I mix all of the ingredients together with my electric mixer. I then spoon them into a greased muffin tin (makes 24). Make at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Enjoy!
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Aug 24, 2015

Monday's Motivation

It's Monday again! And time to "Breath" in the motivation! 

Have you ever used essential oils? Our family has been learning more and more about them and using them daily. If your new to oils (or even if you have used many) I found this article helpful to me as far as the Essential Oils Industry is concerned and a reputable place to buy my oils without costing a fortune. I would recommend reading HERE before going any further. 
3 Essential Oils that will Motivate You:
Lemon: Provides Energy and Detox
Peppermint: Curbs Appetite 
Grapefruit: Boosts Metabolism 

These oils can be defused in your home or you can apply them to your body safely by themselves or with a carrier oil.
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Aug 20, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Nothing is #Impossible if you #Believe in yourself!  

 {Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Aug 17, 2015

Monday's Motivation

What are your health goals? Our health goes far beyond the number on the scale
Regular exercise can help you develop new brain cells, increase your insulin sensitivity, increase your muscle mass and strength, lessen your risk of heart attack and stroke, strengthen your bones and improve your sleep quality. And yes, it can even help you lose weight.

Here's a great fitness tracker (source via Pinterest). That helps to keep you accountable to exercising this week. 

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Aug 13, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

You never reach your goals if you stay in the same place, no matter your pace.  
{Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Aug 10, 2015

Monday's Motivation

Happy Monday!

8 out of every 10 people don't like Monday's. Can you believe it? It's time to #ShakeItUp and become one of those two people who DO like Monday's. Looking for a little motivation on this Monday?

Do something new, out of your comfort zone, that you've never done before. Why you might ask? Because it opens your mind to new possibilities and insights.

Here are some way's to get out of your comfort zone:
  1. Run (totally out of my comfort zone but I started one fine Monday and haven't stopped). 
  2. Try a new food.
  3. Buy a new piece of clothing that makes you feel great, yet out of your comfort zone. (Think red or animal print). 
  4. Get a new haircut. 
  5. Volunteer 
  6. Drive your spouses vehicle for the day.
  7. Brush your teeth with your opposite hand. 
  8. Change the channel on your radio and blast a great song.

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Aug 6, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Three things you should keep high in life! 
{Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Aug 3, 2015

Monday's Motivation

Welcome  to the first Monday in AUGUST! 2015 is over 1/2 way over! Can you believe it? So let's make the most of the rest of this week, month and year! 
Here are three things you can do to help give you more motivation this week: 
1. Drink Up! Drink water and lots of it! Our bodies need water to work correctly, allowing us to have motivation and energy to get tasks done.
2. Write it down! When you know your desires, dreams, expectations your more motivated to reach them.
3. Get Out! Outside that is. Adequate vitamin D intake is important for the regulation of calcium and phosphorus absorption, maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, and is suggested to supply a protective effect against multiple diseases and conditions such as cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

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