
Dec 17, 2015

For the Gardner on your list...

8, Count them - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 MORE DAYS until Christmas! 
I've been having a lot of fun counting down the days until Christmas this month.
If your looking to stay in the spirit until Christmas follow my Count Down to Christmas:
15 Days: In "The Bag" Gifts
14 Days: Teachers Christmas Gift Ideas 
13 Days: Brown Paper Packages Tied Up with String 
12 Days: Christmas Cookie Packaging at it's Finest 
11 Days: Perfect Neighbor Gift for under $5.00s  
10 Days: Cookie Exchange Party Ideas
9 Days: Living Front Porch
8 Days: For the Gardner on your list... 

Today's project is for the Gardner on your list. Something to show them that you we're thinking specifically of them. It's not the money in this gift but the time, effort and love for the hobby that you pour into it. 
 I picked seeds from some of my favorite, hardy flowers in my yard. Hollyhocks, Marigolds and my very hardy mint.

 I hand stamped these adorable little envelopes with what would be inside.

 And plan to give these gifts to a couple of friends of mine who are Gardner's themselves. 
I'm a very sentimental person when it comes to gifts. And if it's something from the heart similar to this that was from a friends yard. That will give me a season of blooms in 2016, ahhhh... that is priceless to me!

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