
Nov 29, 2017

5 Tips for a Debt Free Christmas

The Christmas season is here you guys! 
Our family is so excited for all things winter. 

In a world where we are striving for the best Black Friday deal or the most bang for our buck on Cyber Monday, I want to encourage you to change your mindset this year and celebrate the new year without a mountain of Credit Card debt hanging over your head. 

5 Tips for a Debt Free Christmas

1. Create a List! It's incredibly helpful to know who your buying for. This helps you to keep from overspending and impulse buying not knowing if you have everyone. 
Below are a few printable Christmas gift lists I adore. 
Find this Printable HERE.
Find this Printable HERE.

2. Create a Holiday Gift Budget! I found this Printable over at and love the layout. Be sure to hop over and print it out and USE it! 
Find this Printable HERE.
3. Resist Temptation! This might be one of the hardest tips! Around the holidays there is a surplus of flyers that have very enticing deals, commercials with all of the newest gadgets and at the checkout lines you'll find "specials" that are strategically placed there for the shoppers to grab. Stick to your list and avoid those little extras that all add up to hundreds of dollars on stuff we don't need. 

4. Pay for gifts with Cash! Before you head out to do your Christmas shopping stop by the bank and grab some cash. With your budget in hand you'll be able to pull out the right amount of cash that will enable you to buy for those on your gift list without putting it on a credit card. 

5. If you don't have cash on hand then it's time to add to your budget! Check out my series on way's to add to your Christmas budget. Simple steps daily will help you to have the money in hand to avoid overspending. 
Click HERE to read on.

May your Christmas season be full of Wellness and Prosperity! 

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Nov 8, 2017

Make some Christmas cash: Day 3

We're a family of 6. 
Anything we do seems  IS expensive.... gift giving x 6, travel expenses x 6, grocery shopping x 6, eating out x 6, events x 6. 
I love our big family but man are we expensive, I'm sure many of you can relate! 

So the more cash we have on hand for the holidays the less stressed I am and the more enjoyable the season is. 

Bring in a Secondary Income the Traditional way: Work! 

Lots of businesses look for seasonal workers during the Holiday season. This does require some scheduling that might not work for everyone's schedule especially if you have little kids that might need someone to care for them. 

There are also online options where you can earn a pay-check from the comfort of your home computer or smart phone. This option has been best for me personally because of my 4 kids. If you look for ways to earn an income online I encourage you to do your research. THIS (Click HERE) is a great article to help you navigate what you should be watching for as you move through this sector. 

Wishing you a day full of wellness! 

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Nov 7, 2017

Make some Christmas Cash: Day 2

All this week we are talking about way's we can add some cash to our budgets for Christmas. 

One way you can make some cash is to provide a service for others. 
Think of out of the box ideas that would help relieve pressure or aid time to others. 

Things like putting up outside Christmas décor, wrapping gifts, sending out packages or Christmas cards, babysitting for Moms who need to do Christmas shopping etc. 

These tasks might not make you rich but it will help put cash in your pocket for the holidays. A bonus is many of these projects older kids can do as well to make some spending cash. 

Follow us on Facebook to see more ideas and tips for a Debt Free Christmas! 

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Nov 6, 2017

Make some Christmas Cash: Day 1

Can you believe Christmas is getting so close?! 

If you've been following me this past week I've been focusing on having a Debt Free Christmas. Most Americans spend well over $900 each year just in gift giving. That doesn't include travel expenses, extra food, events etc. 

From now through December 25th I'll be sharing ideas, tips, tools and DIY projects you can accomplish so you lead into 2018 without any Holiday debt. 
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One of the way's we can detour away from using our credit cards is to have extra cash on hand to pay for those Holiday expenses. This week I'll be sharing 5 way's that you can make some Christmas cash. 

A simple way to make some cash and relatively quickly is to sell some things! 

Think about it, your kids have a room full of things that they have possibly outgrown, right!? How about all of those Holiday dresses or little suits you buy for your kids each year. 

Go dig through their closets. Compile 5 - 10 pieces. Sell each dress for $10 and you'll easily make $50 - $100. 

Tips for Selling Used Clothing
  • Make sure it's clean, stain free and without tears. 
  • Pieces that are less than 5 years old will sell better due to trends and styles.
  • When taking photos of your pieces your looking to sell make sure you take the photo in a clean spot in your home. Avoid having a lot going on in the background and make sure your photo is of good quality. 
  • Sell in your local area. I find Facebook for sale sites near our hometown are a great source to sell pieces so I can avoid shipping expenses and can hand deliver. 
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Nov 2, 2017

Lavender Peppermint Sugar Scrub

If your looking for an attractive DIY project that's easy on the budget and simple for your kids to help with this would be it! Soothing, relaxing, toxin free jar of goodness! 

 As the air starts getting colder our skin often gets dryer and dryer. A sugar scrub helps to remove all of the dead skin leaving more room for moisture in your skin. 
 Lavender Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe: 
1/4 C. Coconut Oil
1/2 C. Sugar
4 drops Lavender Oil
4 drops Peppermint Oil
 Mix the Coconut Oil and Sugar together. 
 Once it's combined you'll add your Essential Oils. 
(If your looking for some other seasonal blends click HERE).
 Then fill your jars with the sugar scrub! 
I printed off cute labels from and used some simple bakers twine to finish our project. 
This gift is affordable, useful and good for the skin! 

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