
Oct 25, 2018

DIY Canvas gather sign

Happy Thursday you all! 
The month of October has flown by for our family. Its been full of "fall activities" in the cattle men's world. Such a busy yet beautiful season.

Last week I shared how to make a fall table display. You can get all of the details and learn how to make your own HERE.
But did you see my super cute "gather" sign in the background? Its such a beautiful piece perfect for the fall season when lots of family and friends are gathered around our tables. 

 This project was super fun to do and cost very little. 
 I started with an old black frame I found at the Goodwill for a $1.99. Then painted it black with some paint I had on hand.
 I had canvas on hand from other projects I've made allowing me to cut out the expense of backing. Canvas is fairly in-expensive. You'll need enough to cover the back of your open frame. 
 Measure your canvas to fit in your frame and cut.
 Then use a staple gun to staple the canvas into place.
 Be sure that your canvas is tight within your frame.

I then painted on the word gather with chalk paint in graphite.
You will want to put a clear coat of wax over the top to protect your lettering.
I love the way this piece turned out! Perfect for over our table.

Wishing you a blessed day and weekend of rest!

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Oct 17, 2018

HOW TO: Seasonal Table Decor

FALL IS HERE and in full swing at our house. 
Here is a simple and quick center piece that you can throw together to add a bit of color and seasonal charm to your table. 

STEP 1: I started with a basket and a wine wreath. Layering the two.
 STEP TWO: I recycled a bunch of plastic bags and put them in the center of the wreath for filler.
 STEP THREE: Then layer burlap ribbon to cover the plastic bags. 
 STEP FOUR: Place a handful of raffia to the center of the burlap, this adds texture. 
 STEP FIVE: Add a large pumpkin or gourd in the center of your piece. This will hold things in place and give you a foundation for step six.
 STEP SIX: Place a piece of signage in front of the pumpkin you added in step five. I used a hand painted piece that I created.
 STEP SEVEN: Finish your arrangement by layering pumpkins and gourds around your sign until you get the desired look you are wanting to achieve. 
I love simplicity and color it adds to our table and ties into the other fall décor we have.

May you have a blessed week! 

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Jun 19, 2018

A way Home

But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.
Jeremiah 17:7

A few years ago we we're moving cow's out to pasture on a sunshiny May day. (Its always a cheerful day when cow's get moved out to the green grass and rolling hills.) We we're on our last trailer load of cattle to the pasture when a storm rolled through and lots of rain was poured on us. The pasture road was immediately sticky and muddy! We tried to get out of the pasture and to the highway so we could make our way home after unloading the trailer but found ourselves stuck. I remember feeling hopeless and praying "God just get us home". 

And out of no where a neighbor was passing by and was able to pull us out so we could get back on the road. 

Just as God equipped us to make it home that rainy afternoon, He equips us to make it home to him. When we change our focus to be on God rather than our problems we find ourselves more useful and joyful through our everyday struggles. 

Father God, thank you for your promise of heaven, of home. May I turn my focus to you and the promise of going "home". And by doing so may my actions reflect this. May I live each day with love and calmness in my heart and in the words and actions I chose to use. 
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Jun 12, 2018

Through the Changes of Life

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrew 13:8 As a child, I grew up with divorced parents from the age of 2. I knew they both loved me but I knew my family makeup was a bit different than friends I had that had both parents in the home. My parents lived four hours away from one another and some of my earliest memories we're that long car ride back and forth across state lines from one parents home to the next. At my mom's home I was the only child and at my dads house I was the oldest of four kids. I always felt that I had the best of both worlds but I had to learn how to guard my feelings well going back and forth. To know that I often didn't blend in right away from one home to the other. Over the years and hundreds of miles back and forth I learned that there would often be a lot of change from one visit to the next and that I would often feel misplaced until I settled back into the household routine. The change of scenery, homes, people and circumstances helped me to grow into a person who can quickly adapt to new situations, and as an adult its a positive trate I believe I have. Through all of that back and forth God has remained next to me helping me to know that I'm not alone and that He is right by my side through it all. Father God, thank you for never changing and holding me ever so tightly through the under currents of life. Thank you for reminding me Father that the change in my life doesn't happen by chance and that your beside me through it all. Thank you Jesus for never changing!
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Jun 7, 2018

9 Inexpensive Summer Activities to do with Your Kids

Summer  is  one of my favorite  times of year! The kids are out of school, our schedule  is more laud back and the weather  is  nice  and  warm! 

But... summer seems to fly by so quick so the past few years I've become intentional about doing something  with our kids each day to create  memories of summer fun to look back on. 

9 Inexpensive Summer Activities to do with Your Kids

 1. Go turtle  hunting! Our  kids love finding  turtles, sometimes  you come up empty  handed  but other times you find one and its pure giggles and excitement.

 2. Wake your kids up early  to snuggle and 20th the sunrise.

 3. Plant a garden with your kids and  have  them help harvest  it.

We spend so much more time outside during the summer months, be sure to check out my DIY Bug Bite Roll on Recipe and have a few of these on hand while your enjoying all of these fun outdoor activities! 

 4. Create  a special  summer  desert  together.

 5. Spend time outside  watching  the clouds  and birds go by.

 6. Let your kids wash your car. It might not be perfect  but the giggles and bubbles are worth it!

 7. Go for a walk to enjoy the warm weather and burn off some energy.

8.  Teach your kids to stop and smell and admire the beauty of the flowers around  you.

9. Play in the puddles! Better yet play in the rain while  it's making puddles. 

Simple and virtually free activities are often the ones that our kids remember most, because  you spent the time to do it together. 

Happy summer! 

Jun 5, 2018

Being a Comforter to my Family

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. 
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Being a mom has been one of the biggest blessings I can ever ask for. I find so much joy and happiness being a mom and caregiver of my family. But being a mom has also been one of the hardest things as well. 

When our son was 2 he had to have his tonsils and adenoids taken out. Its a common procedure that lots of children go through including myself when I was small. 

On the day of surgery my husband and I took our son Owen to the hospital early in the morning after our daughters had gotten on the school bus. When we arrived at the hospital we we're met by the best nurses who we're comforting and pleasant. The room we we're taken to was dressed with a "cowboy" pillow case and a cute little stuffed animal for Owen to feel special. 

He was given some oral medication to help calm his nerves and help him to feel less anxious. Little did we know it would make him the funniest little boy we had ever seen, giggling like crazy and making us all smile. After the nurse took him back for surgery we waited for the surgery to be done and then met him back in his room 45 minutes later.  I knew he wouldn't feel well when he woke up but I was unprepared for how angry and mad he would be coming out of the sedation. 

Parenting seems so similar to how Owen went from extreme happiness and joy before surgery to pure frustration, confusion and anger after surgery. I sat by my son's side in both circumstances to provide comfort and love just like God sits beside us through life's ups and downs. 
And in that, I take comfort! 

Father God, I choose today to quiet myself so that I can hear your little promptings. Show me ways I can bless others, including my children, through doing their laundry, fixing their meals, cleaning up after them and reminding them to bathe and do their chores. Instead of feeling unappreciated, may I feel the sense of being a blessing and comforter to those I love. 
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May 29, 2018

Let go of the Fear and have Faith

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act." 
Psalm 37:5

In life we have daily fears; fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough, fear of what others might think of us. Those fears can stop us from living in the presence of the greatness God has made us for. 

When I was a freshman in high school I was in an Ag class where we built wood chairs. These weren't just any chairs, they we're the cool wood chairs that you often see on patios or front porches. This class was designed to introduce us to shop safety and wood working among other things. I was fearful of using the tools because I had never handled them before and felt less than because my pears seemed to know exactly what to do while I was a bit clueless. 

During those 45 minute sessions over that second semester of my ninth grade year I learned more than how to use power tools. I learned that the more I tried the better I became. I learned to measure twice and cut once. And I learned to believe in myself and let go of the fear that was holding me back.

When fear stops you in your daily steps think about all that can go right and learn to lay your trust in God's plans for you. When I think back to that 14 year old me, I had no clue that I would someday use the skills I learned in that Ag class and enjoy and find peace in building pieces of furniture. Looking back I'm thankful I let go of the fear and let God work through me!

Father God, thank you for loving me more than I could ever know.  May I put all of my dependence and trust in you God - our mighty and sovereign Lord. 
May I let go of all of my current fears. I know that you hold them Jesus and are far bigger, mightier and greater than any fears I have now or that tomorrow might bring. 
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Apr 27, 2018

Design a Home you Love

We have lived in our home for almost 9 years. Over those years we've done some updates like new tile in the kitchen and bathroom and painting the exterior of our home but my décor hasn't been moved around much.

You know those "AhhhHA" moments?! I recently had one when thinking of our home. I want our home to be inviting (check out 3 Steps to Creating an Inviting Home), my family to feel at peace and welcomed and loved as soon as they hit our doorstep. I want to keep the biblical model of honoring our home, being a help mate to my husband and nurturing our children well. And I felt as though I was in a slump with our home of being robotic and just "getting by" mode. 

It seems for so many years as our four kids we're tiny it was a huge challenge to just keep the dishes done and laundry washed let alone make thing eye appealing. Now our children are all at school age and I'm at the point in my journey that I can spend more energy in making the heart of our home to fit my personal style and functions. This marks the journey of re-creating each corner of our home one by one. 

One Corner at a Time

This is our living room, well one corner of it. It serves the purpose of a meeting place for our family but the flow has not been great. 
I've found when I love and value something I'm more likely to care for it well. Just like this space. It wasn't doing it for me. The wall décor has been up since we moved in with great expectations of finishing the photo collage and adding photos of our other two kids who have come along. 
I find a lot of joy in creating beautiful pieces for others and painting furniture but my home does not represent that love well.

 This wall hanging has been something to just fill the space but no real enjoyment comes from it.


I've now created a piece of art that I love, is with the current home trends and truly represents how I want my family to feel when they enter this room.

 Our Lucy dog is getting old and spends most of her days warming spots on our couch for the kids to sit. 

 This mirror was in another room of our home. I moved it into the living room to help give some depth with the reflection of light.
 The wreath hanging around the mirror was one I made with some craft wire, dried grass I cut down from the pasture and one of those metal wreath forms.
The metal "sconces" we're given to me by a friend who found them in her mom's chicken coop. LOVE that they we're truly farm used and at one time served a purpose other than holding some flowers.
And now, I truly feel like this corner of our home is meeting our needs at this time. Its far more eye appealing and simple. 

May your weekend be blessed friends! 
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