We ended up at the Prairie Museum of Art and History in Colby KS.
Our family loves a good old fashion museum! This one was pretty cool because it was very interactive for the girls.
I love this photo!
This little horse was free to ride and lasted FOREVER with one push of the button.
My girls and I :)
There we're several buildings to walk through, from an old farm house, to a sod house, to a school house, church and HUGE barn. As we walked through them all Cadence had an obsession with the different pianos.
All of us in the school house.
Cadence at another piano...
And another piano...
This has to be my very favorite photo. Cadence was SO very mad that she didn't get a dress like her sisters! This is what memories are mad of.
My very best friend!
And the great big barn!
The loft of the barn was so amazing to me!
After we left the museum we did a bit of bowling! It was the first time we've bowled together as a family - pretty exciting!
I'm a sucker for a photo op, I guess it's from growing up with a mom who loves photography. This bridge was over a little stream we passed on the way home.
Our little day trip was so much fun. It wasn't too long or too short, everyone was happy and able to enjoy one another. Love days like that!

How fun!
What a fun family trip!
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