
Nov 30, 2013

The Sounds from the Other Room

We had such an Amazing Thanksgiving this year with our family in Colorado. Fantastic food, great fellowship and the feeling you get when your with the people who are near and dear. 

With all 4 of our kids I have nursed them, so that has left me in a different room at many family events and holiday gatherings. The nice thing about being in the other room is the sounds you hear. The sounds of pots clanging, laughter, balls bouncing, little feet running, giggles, stories being told of old times and the stories that are being created at that very moment. The sounds of the door opening as other family members arrive with the smells of more food being brought into the house. Phones ringing to say we're on our way and the sounds of "Give Granny a Hug". The sounds of the table being set and of dishes being cleared.  The sounds of happiness and cheer!
 I'm so Thankful for the sounds I've heard from the other room and even more Thankful for the Moments when I'm able to see and take part of all of the happenings!
Don't forget Tomorrow Marks the first day of our 12 Days of Christmas link-up! Grab button for 12 Days of Christmas Link Up
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Nov 25, 2013

We love Birthdays at Our House!

 With 6 family members in our house with 6 birthdays in 6 different months, we have grown to LOVE birthdays!

 Love how excited Cadence is in this picture. Just love these girls!

 On a different note - Christmas is less than 30 days away! 
Jessie Jo At Home and I are SO EXCITED! Plan to tag along with us as we share some of our favorite tips, recipes, diy projects and all things Christmas!
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Nov 21, 2013

Prepare Your Car for the Cold Weather

 Our local T.V. channel has been showing some commercials on making sure your prepared for the cold weather that is on it's way. So I took a look in our car. Being married to a mechanic is nice in the sense that we are pretty prepared in the mechanics side. Some things that you should make sure to have are...  
Tools, I have a slew of different ones in my little red tool box.
 Non-Perishable Snacks
 Water in a Cooler It is said, that if your water is in the cooler in your car it will not freeze.
 Extra Blankets
 Jumper Cables The cold weather can cause a draw on your battery, so have a pair in-case you need to be jumped.
 Flash Light - with batteries that work.
Extra Gloves As I was looking in the car I was blown away with how prepared we are in the extra gloves category. 
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Nov 19, 2013

5 Characteristics of Successful Women in Business

69% of Home Based Businesses in the US are owned by Women!
I'm so proud to be apart of that percentage and honored to help contribute to our finances from home. What a Blessing!

Are you looking to own your own business? Maybe you already are a home based business entrepreneur and looking to improve your skills. Here are 5 Characteristics of Successful Women in Business that can help ANYONE. 1. Set SMART GOALS:
Setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound Goals will improve your business by leaps and bounds. By setting goals you know what your working for, what your WHY is and how and when you will attain it.  Remember Setting Goals = Achieving Goals.

2. Creating a Schedule:    A calendar is a MUST! Now you have your calendar you need to be active in filling it up with income generating activities. I love the highlighting system allowing me to easily see what I have scheduled each day. By having an in-place calendar your able to find balance between family and work.

3. Organization:
Another great characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is the ability to be organized. If you are not organized with time management, phone calls, emails, helping business partners and in all your career you will find yourself in a whirlwind and not know where to turn.

4. Social:
Being social doesn't mean you sit on Facebook all day. Being social is about creating relationships, empowering others, and creating worth while posts so others will want to follow you.

5. Education:
I'm such a HUGE believer that you must educate yourself in your niche market, leadership and business in general. If you don't know the answer to something do not be afraid to do some research, watch some YouTube videos or tutorials. It will pay off in leaps and bounds.

Here's to being a successful Business Owner!
Next Read: Got Stress!

As busy moms we often find we have a lot of stress. Help eliminate it.

Nov 16, 2013

Cadence is 4

It's hard to believe this little Monkey is 4! She honestly makes my days so much more fun.

I love her little modeling poses!

I love the beauty of her little smile!

I love her ornery side!

I love her giggle!
And those eyes...
I love her thinking look!

I Love You Cadence Ann!
Happy 4th Birthday.

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