Our Christmas tree has gone through the ringer so far and we're only a week into December.
It's a fake tree, purely for the simplicity of setting it up and not worrying about watering it or fire hazards etc. The kids have all helped decorate it, and re-decorate. When we first set it up it was in an entirely different spot. But then I heard a CRASH!!!!!!!!! And it had toppled over, breaking a few bulbs along the way. So it's since been moved to the corner of the living room, but our little 1 year old is super hands on!
I love our tree topper! We bought it for our first Christmas, we wanted something that represented our family seeing as how I grew up with an angel and Chris a star.
I'm missing that we didn't get out the fragile ornaments this year (probably a good thing!), but love all of the "kid safe" ones that get moved around everyday.
We all know the smell of a fresh Christmas Tree, seeing as how we don't have one I filled my planters on our porch with fresh cut branches. I added a little pazaz with my gold painted antler I found.
Be sure to link up with Jessie Jo At Home and I in our 12 Days of Christmas link-up. We want to see all things Christmas!

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