
Jun 19, 2014

Inspire Me

I love all 10 of these images and they all give me a little inspiration! Here is to an inspirational Thursday!

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Linking up today at Mrs. Laffins Laughings:
Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

Jun 18, 2014

Hey Mom, What You Need To Know About Working From Home: Week 6

 Welcome back to our 10 weeks of What You Need to Know about Working from Home! So glad your hanging out with me this morning!

Working from home is a chore - but it's also incredibly rewarding! As with an outside of the home job there are ups and downs, excitement and frustration. Is it worth it? 100% YES!

I'm able to say I've never had to put my kids in day-care, never missed out on a school activity, never had to worry about missing out on a day of work because of a sick kid, never had to deal with angry bosses or deadlines.

That brings me to this week's topic: Your WHY!

It's pretty obvious that my WHY is to be present for my kids and be the one behind the camera taking pictures like these, not the receiving end of a text from someone taking care of my kids.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself when determining your WHY:
1. Why do I want to work from home?
2. What kind of income do I need each month?
3. What will that do for our family?
4. What will I miss out on if I don't set or reach for my goals?
5. What do I want my life to look like in a year from now?

It's time to take action, put pen to paper and determine Your WHY!

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Jun 16, 2014

Home Made Pink Flamingo Play-Dough

 We made play-dough this past weekend and the girls we're SO excited! I have to say it smells a lot better than the stuff from the store, non-toxic, they can pick the colors of choice and a lot more fun. It also stores well.
 Here is my colorful Lilian helping to make hers.
 First you'll mix all ingredients in a bowl. This step I let all 3 girls participate in.
 Then you heat it on the stove and you'll see that it will start to form a ball.
 Once you have taken the heated play-dough off of the stove and let it cool to the touch, then you can manipulate it.
It also makes a great handmade gift! The girls each made a different color, named the color (we had Pink Flamingo, Bright Sky Blue and Awesome Green). You can customize and print labels at 
Have a great week!
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Jun 4, 2014

Hey Mom, What You Need to Know About Woring From Home: Week 5

 Can you believe we're in the 6th month of 2014!? It's Amazing how fast this year is going. If your building a business from home you should ask yourself this...
"What am I going to do for the next 6 months to look back on 2014 and know I made it a great year?"

If one of your answers is to expand your business, your in the RIGHT PLACE!
This week we're talking about Marketing!!!! This is one of my favorite topics. It's one of those things that has been a learning curve and is consistently changing yet brings such gratification as you see your business growing.

This short video share's 5 Way's that you can Market Your Website for FREE
Online Marketing is HUGE but don't forget you need to do other things as well:
1. Business Card Marketing
2. Paid Ads
3. Car Decal
4. Fliers

The main thing is to stay consistent. With that consistency will bring great rewards.
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Jun 3, 2014

Moving Cows

 This time of year is so exciting for the girls. We get to help move cows and be with the guys and ride on 4 Wheelers.

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