
Sep 28, 2015

Monday's Motivation

Being healthy looks like a lot of things. Most often when we think of our health we think of the size of our bodies. But it goes far beyond that. Our personal health,  financial health, mental health and physical health all tie together. When we're "healthy" we are happier.

Here are 17 Simple Ways to be Happy, that you can start doing now!

By being a "Healthy" me, my family is more fulfilled, I have better relationships, less anxiety and frustration and live a far better life!

Here's to your Health this week!

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Sep 24, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Here's to the #SilverLining in life! 
{Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Sep 21, 2015

Monday's Motivation

It's Monday Again!
And time for some Motivation!
Motivation for me looks like:
-More energy.
-Less fatigue.
-Accomplishing more through the day.
-Being a good mom to my kids and keeping up with their activities.

I'm not sure that I know anyone who doesn't benefit from More Energy and a Healthy Weight.

They tie together hand in hand. So this week - let's eat to feed our bodies, not when we're board. Let's play more with our kids outside instead of in front of the t.v. Let's frown less and smile more! 

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Sep 17, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Never #GiveUp when you've already come so far!  
 {Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Sep 15, 2015

O My, Walt

 Happy Tuesday! 
My most recent project is this guy. I've named him Walt for a very specific reason. I purchased Walt at an auction. He's in good condition but had cosmetic issues. Stain was uneven and rough AND I'm only assuming naughty school aged kids had carved their names into him. The deepest carving was the name Walt. I hope he got detention for doing this! :)

 After some major sanding sessions, dry brushing white paint on and then staining over him. He is now complete.

 I'm a fan of the colors and tones that come through with this technique. There's even a small chalkboard in place of all of the names that we're carved into the desk.
May your week Be Blessed!
Follow me on Facebook to see more of my projects...
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Sep 14, 2015

Monday's Motivation

As a mom of 4 kids, home business owner, wife and volunteer I have very little alone time. In July I
started waking before the rest of the family started to stir, heading outside and exercising. The benefits for me have been huge! Not only physically but mentally as well.

Here are 4 Reasons to work out when the sun rises:
  1. It's the most peaceful time of day and a great way to get some alone time.
  2. It helps to prepare for the day, organize your thoughts and provides clarity.
  3. It boosts metabolism and gets your digestive system and other organs working. 
  4. A 30 minute workout each day is equal to 1 prescription mood enhancement pill. 
  5. It's a great chance to Burn More Fat Naturally.
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Avoiding Holiday Debt with These Tools

Each year thousands of families rack up on average $986.00 in credit card debt during the holidays. Outrageous! A little planning and being deliberate with your money will get you ahead of the game this year.

Last year I stuck to my guns and used this system and we ended the year without any credit card debt. The tip is to get started right away.
6 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt 

  1. Know WHO Your Buying for. Santa has a list and checks it twice, right?! So why don't we? Start a list of who you plan to buy gifts for this year. Your immediate family, neighbors, teachers and co-workers should ALL be on this list!
  2. Have a Wish List for your kids. My kids are infamous for seeing things in the store or on t.v. and wanting them. We have a wish list where we add things each of the kids want throughout the year. This helps me to know what they are excited about as I do my shopping allowing me to plan a budget.
  3. Budget! A budget comes in all shapes and sizes. You may have a $100 budget for everyone on your list or a $1000 budget. The point is to know how much you are willing to spend for each person, and stick to it.
  4. Shop Smart. I feel on top of the world when I find a good deal! Look for sales, coupons, and if your an online shopper like I am, look into online shopping clubs. Learn more about my favorite one HERE
  5.  Pay with CA$H. If you don't have the cash for an item don't buy it! Use an envelope system and start saving for the holidays. A fun idea is to put every $10.00 bill that comes into your hands into your "Holiday Cash" envelope. It adds up fast and gives a cushion for holiday gifts and traveling.
  6. I saved the best for last! Add to your income. The beauty of not having to worry about holiday expenses has been HUGE for us! As a mom of 4 kids holidays are expensive! Having an additional steam of holiday income has blessed us and enabled us to provide for our kiddos. Click HERE to learn how I've added to our families income for holiday expenses without leaving my home. 
Happy Monday!
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Sep 11, 2015

Do what You Love and Love what You do!

When I was a little girl I loved playing with barbie dolls. There was this perfect dream house where I could arrange the furniture, play dress up with the dolls and create the illusion of what in my head was a perfect family. A Dad (Ken), a Mom (Barbie), and their daughters. In my barbie world we we're able to help our fellow barbies and be available for all of the barbie happenings.

The phrase "Do What You Love and Love what You do" means something different to each person. To some it means a corporate job where you rise up the ladder to others it means being an advocate for abused children because someone close to your heart was abused and its your mission to be part of the solution. To me it means having my "Barbie Dream House" in a grown up version. 
I'm blessed beyond words to have my husband and our four children. I love them beyond measures! Doing what I love means pouring into our home, my children and our marriage. Creating a home that comfortable and an atmosphere of love. Being able to help fellow moms, friends and community members to create a richer life and reach a greater potential.

Thankfully I'm able to do what I love because I have a career that allows me to work from the comfort of my own home around my families schedule without worrying about deadlines, daycare and being away from my home. 

Today I'm thankful that I can truly say I DO WHAT I LOVE AND LOVE WHAT I DO! May you find what you love and have the ability to do it wholeheartedly. 

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  Meet one of my team mates: 
Micki always believed that in life, you go to school, you get a job, you work hard, you retire and you live happily every after.

Her belief system was shattered when she was downsized from her corporate job that she had for over 18 years.

“I was barely living pay check to pay check with my job, so I was definitely devastated and just didn’t know what I was going to do” says Micki. Read MORE

Sep 10, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Feeling #Thankful for my life and the blessings around me!  
 {Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Sep 8, 2015

You are the Sprinkles to My Cupcake

 Creating with my hands gives me freedom of the mind, helps to refresh me, equips me to be better and makes me smile! 
Here are two super fun 2x4 signs that I made. Aren't they the cutest?!
What You Need to Do:
Prepare your scraps of wood by cutting to size and sanding. Then paint them and distress to your liking. Use your Cameo Silhouette or similar tool to cut out a phrase of your choice and apply it to your block of wood. 

It's a fun way to display a piece of wood that would have been otherwise in the trash pile. 
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Sep 7, 2015

Monday's Motivation

Happy Monday!
My motivation this week is muffin tops! I mean really, who wants to have a "Muffin Top"?

Lean muscle mass helps you to burn more fat. And one of the best way's to gain lean muscle mass is to work out! If your looking to burn more fat let me give you some inspiration.... 

10 Ways to Burn more fat:
  1. Eat 6 small meals a day to rev your metabolisum.
  2. Wait 20 minutes before going for seconds.
  3. Throw on a hoodie when working out, when your muscles are warm you burn more calories.
  4. Use a smaller dinner plate.
  5. Eat at the kitchen table. 
  6. Drink more water!
  7. Take a real "Before" photo for inspiration.
  8. Eat more avacados.
  9. Portion control potatoes and pasta.
  10. And my personal favorite, Eat these babies 15 minutes before a workout. They turn fat into fuel, give me more energy and help me to avoid the next day soreness.
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Sep 4, 2015

A Fierce Flourishing 2015-2016 MOPS

MOPS is back in session! I'm beyond excited!!!! I have been attending MOPS for nearly a decade now and love each and every meeting, the moms who have become such great friends of mine and the personal growth and refreshing it brings to me.

 This year's theme is so fun - A Fierce Flourishing! 
The colors are so rich and inviting. 

 Decorating is such a fun part of planning for each year. I had seen some cute table pieces that included old frames. I called up my neighbor (So thankful for her and all of her fun finds that she has) because she always has the things I need and she had several frames for me to use.


I then painted each frame.
Added some art.
(These we're all found on the MOPS website with this years downloads).
(Here's the art we put in the frame on the Welcome Table. Also found on the MOPS website in the ideas section).

 We used the frames in a few different ways, on the tables for our centerpieces to sit on as well as on the Welcome table as decor.

This years theme colors and backgrounds we're incorporated in these incredible bulletin boards outside of each of the MOPPETS rooms. The tags are for each mom to write their childs name on and put on their back so the helpers know who's who.

Here's to a great 2015-2016 MOPS Year and may you Flourish!

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Sep 3, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Do MORE of what's good for the soul! 
 {Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Sep 2, 2015

How to Attach Girl Scout Badges to your Vests and Sashes

We have three Girl Scouts at our house this year! A Daisy, Brownie and a Junior. To make it even more exciting I'm our troop Leader and our group has nearly doubled in size this year - pretty fantastic for a small little town. 

I was attaching badges to my girls' vest and sashes and had several Mom's ask what to do.
 Perfect time for a little tutorial! 
For our troop all of our badges (excluding the fun patches) we're Iron On and made this task less daunting.
 Step 1-
Start by letting your iron heat up for a few minutes, then iron the front of the vest to get rid of wrinkles as well as warm up the fabric providing a nice place for adhesion.
 Step 2 -
Set the patches on in the place that you desire. I found that it was much easier to do one patch at a time vs. a couple. It provides better adhesion and attachment.
 Step 3 -
Place a paper town over the patch as a barrier between the patch and the iron.
 Step 4 - 
Iron the patch on. It's best to keep heat on the patch for 30-40 seconds before removing the iron.
 Step 5 -
Turn the vest inside out and iron the back side of the garment where the patch sits.
 And your patch should be on! Pretty simple. 
Here's to a great Scout year!

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