9 Inexpensive Summer Activities to do with Your Kids

Summer  is  one of my favorite  times of year! The kids are out of school, our schedule  is more laud back and the weather  is  nice  and  warm! 

But... summer seems to fly by so quick so the past few years I've become intentional about doing something  with our kids each day to create  memories of summer fun to look back on. 

9 Inexpensive Summer Activities to do with Your Kids

 1. Go turtle  hunting! Our  kids love finding  turtles, sometimes  you come up empty  handed  but other times you find one and its pure giggles and excitement.

 2. Wake your kids up early  to snuggle and 20th the sunrise.

 3. Plant a garden with your kids and  have  them help harvest  it.

We spend so much more time outside during the summer months, be sure to check out my DIY Bug Bite Roll on Recipe and have a few of these on hand while your enjoying all of these fun outdoor activities! 

 4. Create  a special  summer  desert  together.

 5. Spend time outside  watching  the clouds  and birds go by.

 6. Let your kids wash your car. It might not be perfect  but the giggles and bubbles are worth it!

 7. Go for a walk to enjoy the warm weather and burn off some energy.

8.  Teach your kids to stop and smell and admire the beauty of the flowers around  you.

9. Play in the puddles! Better yet play in the rain while  it's making puddles. 

Simple and virtually free activities are often the ones that our kids remember most, because  you spent the time to do it together. 

Happy summer! 

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