
Feb 28, 2011

You want something. Go get it. Period.

What a great way to start a Monday Morning! If you have a goal, don't let anyone come between you and that goal. If you want something go get it! When there isn't any wind, you'll have to row. No Matter WHAT - make your dreams a reality!!

Feb 24, 2011

Saving Money on Diapers

My friend Renee recently had this post on her BLOG about saving money on diapers.
I typically buy my diapers at my least favorite store and have bought them a few times online but I've never shopped through So after reading her post I thought I would give it a try. And yesterday I got this huge box from FedEx with 360 diapers that I got for around .10c. each!!! I was so very excited to save a little money, even if it we're on Diapers. And I might add I honestly dont think I'll have to buy any more diapers for Cadence. This should get us through until shes potty trained.

*To save money on your diapers like I did Click HERE to get all of the info :)

Feb 22, 2011

Follow Me Back Tuesday

It's that day of the week again! I must say every Tuesday morning I'm so excited for the blog hop :) Link up HERE.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you come back often!

Feb 21, 2011

Flying Kites

We had a beautiful Nebraska weekend!
The weather was just right for flying kites. This is one of my favorite Pict's! What a good daddy helping his little girl ;)
Even our little one wanted to tag along! She enjoyed following her big sisters around.
Happy Monday!

Feb 17, 2011

A bit of something for my door

It's that time of year where it isn't really spring yet but not really winter either. I was feeling that my front door was a bit naked so I decided to whip something up. Here is the end result...My inspiration is this pretty little candle wrap. I love the way it hugs my candles and dresses them up a bit.
The design is simple, wire and beads.
The bow that I used was actually one of my great grandmothers handkerchiefs. It has been tucked away in a box for so long. I fixed it to the wreath with a bit of wire in case I want to take it off.
There you have it! A simple little pick me up for my front door.

Feb 16, 2011

Our Lilian!

My Lilian is such a joy!

She is my daughter who is very opinionated, lovable, touchy, honory, But she makes me smile.

I feel so blessed that I get to spend so much time with her. This past year has been the most "alone" time I've spent with Lilian now that Mandy has been in school. It's taught me so much about her.
I love you Lilian! Thanks for making me smile ;)

Feb 11, 2011

Valentines Day Cookies

I decided today would make the perfect day for making sugar cookies. And not just any sugar cookies, I had my heart set on these... I found this AMAZING Tutorial.
Well often we see things that are too good to be true, lol. The recipe that I used turned out to not work as recipe stated. Even after putting on wax paper, allowing to sit in the fridge for an hour and re rolling out.
So I turned to my handy dandy cookie press. It has never let me down.
We had heart shaped cookies and the girls had a ball decorating them.
Here is my try at making the PG13 decorated Valentines day cookies.
These are some of the best times!!

Feb 8, 2011

Follow Me Back Tuesday and a Friends Website

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad you did. I hope you spend some time here and are able to put your feet up with something yummy to drink as you browse around.
Link up to the Blog hop by clicking HERE!
I also wanted to help a friend get the word out about her WEBSITE. This is an outstanding resource for moms who are looking to start a home business. She's included links as well as great information about each work at home opportunity.

Feb 7, 2011

Cadences room re-vamp... The start...

Procrastination is something that I tend to be good at. For instance I bought this
paint about 5 months ago. And here it sets in our basement!My intentions we're to paint this little stinkers room. It's been this lovely shade of yellow for the past year. I guess while I was pregnant with her I loved the color yellow.
Not sure that I care for it much now.
My goal is to transform her room into a peaceful room for her. The paint is bought, brushes on hand, and plan in mind. But now to actually complete the process. So here's my goal... To paint her room before the end of February. Now to get myself into action - that's the hard part.

Feb 1, 2011

Follow Me Back Tuesday & a Little Snow

It's Tuesday again! Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you stay awhile!
You can link up for the Blog Hop by clicking HERE.
These photos are a few weeks old but I thought they we're fitting considered the snow is falling today. The snow is beautiful but I would much rather it be 70* out ;) This was the first real time our youngest had been out in a sled with all of the snow. She was so excited!
And Lilian! Here's the little stinker who will go outside on those freezing days with a princess dress or ballerina costume.
Mandy has figured out that it's really fun to throw snowballs. It makes me laugh!
There I am! It's so much fun to let go and run around like a kid. I'm thankful my girls have taught me that. Stay warm today!!