We've all seen folks on Facebook or other social media sites that do nothing but promote their website.
I totally get the excitement of their new business but it does get old seeing the same thing over and over just in a different format.
Here are 3 steps that you can make to avoid getting unfriended, unliked or hidden from others news feed.
Keep the 1/3 Rule in Mind
- 1/3 Personal Content. Your audience want's to know you and see you as a relatable influence on the social media outlets.
- 1/3 Value Driven Content. How is your post going to provide value to those seeing it? A great quote, a fact, a helpful blog post or website link. All things that will help those who are following you.
- 1/3 Business Related Content. With this being said, remember, social media is social. Engage and interact with your following. A link to your website along with a way that you can help your audience through it is what others are looking for.

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