
How to Clean your Make Up Brushes!

Happy Friday Friends! Today its cold and snowy here and is a perfect day to take care of some inside chores. 

Lets talk make up, in particular the tools we use for our make up. 
If your not using make up brushes you might be short changing yourself. The application process goes much quicker and smoother if you have the right tools. 

This is my Kubuki brush that I use each time I put on my mineral foundation. Ive had it for several years. Its an investment to buy brushes but so worth it as long as you take care of them. 

Its recommended to wash your brushes a couple of times a month. 

Step One: 
Run your brush under warm (not hot) water to get all of the bristles wet. Pay attention to not get the water under the handle. If water sits under the handle it could cause the bristles and glue used to ad-hear them to become unattached as well as moisture in the handle can cause mold to grow. 

 Step Two: 
Add a dimes worth of gentle soap into a small dish. 
***Ive seen articles that recommend J&J Baby wash, I do not recommend this! There are far to many chemicals in that brand that aid in the braking down of the bristles as well as the glue and will cause your brush to fall apart. 

 Not only that but so many of the grocery store brand soaps have ingredients that cause breathing issues, skin issues, allergies and even cancer. It's important to be educated about what we use on our skin and the tools that come into contact with our skin. Click HERE for a bit of helpful information on just that.

Step Three:
 Add a couple teaspoons of water to your soap and gently swish your brush in the mixture. Take care as your doing this. Your simply dislodging the built up makeup. 
 Step Four: 
Run water over your brush and with your hands rinse all of the makeup out of your brush until the water runs clear.
 Step Five:
Towel dry your brush gently.
 Step Six:
Hang your brush upside down to dry to ensure that all of the moisture leaves the tool and doesn't become stuck under the handle.

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Look under my Seminars Tab for more info.

Transformation Tuesday - Bench

Happy Tuesday! 
Its been awhile since Ive shared a #TransformationTuesday project. This bench I bought from a friend. It had great bones and the top opens and closes well but needed a little life given back to it. 

I painted the entire bench in duck blue chalk paint, then wet brushed country grey all over it. Once dried I sanded in the places that I wanted to feel a bit more weathered and clear waxed the entire piece. 

Here are a few other Christmas projects Ive been working on. Isnt the tool bench super cute!? 
Enjoy your week! 
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Get Your Bathroom ready for the Holidays!

The Holidays are almost here!!!! 
That brings a large amount of excitement for me as well as a big to-do list. There are things you can do now that will make the Holidays much simpler. One of those things includes stocking up on These 3 Things! 

1. Toilet Paper!
You never want to find yourself running out of TP with a house full of guests. Check out these Coupons:

2. Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Who wants a stinky bathroom!? Not me, hah! We use eco-friendly products at our house. Find Toilet Tips to keep Your Family Safe, Healthy and Clean and savings by clicking HERE. 

3. Hand Soap!
I want my family and guests to use good hand washing practices during the Holidays! Nothing sounds fun about guests visiting and leaving their germs. I keep hand soap at all of the sinks in our home and extra under the sink. Click HERE to see my favorite Holiday scent!  

I hope your Holiday season is one filled with Joy and these simple tips will help save some time and money!
 One more hint....
Keep extra toilet paper, hand soap and towels in easy to find places for your guests.

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Just Thinking Thursday!

My friends, be the heroine in your lives not the victim! 
Life is much sweeter when your taking care of yourself and your family and not feeling helpless! 

If your looking for someone to help you along the way reach out or connect with me through Facebook for inspiration, ideas and motivation to conquer each day! 
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My Favorite Winter Essential Oil Blends

Our family has been using Essential Oils for almost 2 years, and we LOVE them! 
There are so many uses that I never thought we could use EOs for. 

These 4 blends are my favorites to run in our diffusers for the winter season. 

If your looking for more info in regards to Essential Oils, what to use, blends and cost be sure to check out this Free Essential Oil Webinar. Reserve your seat by clicking HERE. 

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Thankful - Blessed - Grateful

Happy November friends! 
May this new month bring you many thing to be thankful for, lots of reasons to see how blessed you are and to share with others how grateful you truly are!
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