Have you ever wanted the flexibility of being a Stay at Home mom yet need the stability of bringing in an income for your family?
That is where my heart was when I started my journey of being a WAHM 10 years ago. I was a mom of a 18 month old and we were expecting a second. I didn't want to be away from my babies so I sought out searching for any avenue I could find to help me to contribute for our family.
Fast forward several years and I am beyond thankful for the opportunity that I have. I'm blessed to not only be able to be home with our now 4 kids but I also can share my experience with other moms who are seeking out a similar need as I was.
So you might be wondering... "How can I be a Stay at Home Mom and Earn an Income?"
- First and for most do your research. This decision needs to be treated with true honesty and peace of mind. What are your interests, likes, dislikes, abilities and restrictions? Being real with yourself as well as finding a company that fits your needs is a process. For me it took months before I decided upon the path I have taken. I'm so thankful I took that time!
You need to ask THESE questions before starting any business! - Be prepared to educate yourself. With any business or job there is a learning curve. This is a time to learn the ropes and find what works best for you. Never stop learning, reading, listening and being around others who can lift you up to that higher level of ability.
- Create Balance. This is hard for so many of us in our lives. Balance as a WAHM comes in many different forms at our house. Three things that help me the most to find balance...
- My calendar and day planner. Scheduling action, knowing my time limits, events/activities with our kids and creating a plan daily, weekly and monthly.
- Knowing that some days my house will not be clean and my kids might eat cereal for supper. Yet as I end each day, I know that I was the one who was here to hug them good morning, help them off to school and kiss them good night, that's what makes my journey worth it.
- Starting my day in prayer. I have so much more peace, structure and abilities when I start my day this way.

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