Can you believe Christmas is getting so close?!
If you've been following me this past week I've been focusing on having a Debt Free Christmas. Most Americans spend well over $900 each year just in gift giving. That doesn't include travel expenses, extra food, events etc.
From now through December 25th I'll be sharing ideas, tips, tools and DIY projects you can accomplish so you lead into 2018 without any Holiday debt.
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One of the way's we can detour away from using our credit cards is to have extra cash on hand to pay for those Holiday expenses. This week I'll be sharing 5 way's that you can make some Christmas cash.
A simple way to make some cash and relatively quickly is to sell some things!
Think about it, your kids have a room full of things that they have possibly outgrown, right!? How about all of those Holiday dresses or little suits you buy for your kids each year.
Go dig through their closets. Compile 5 - 10 pieces. Sell each dress for $10 and you'll easily make $50 - $100.
Tips for Selling Used Clothing
- Make sure it's clean, stain free and without tears.
- Pieces that are less than 5 years old will sell better due to trends and styles.
- When taking photos of your pieces your looking to sell make sure you take the photo in a clean spot in your home. Avoid having a lot going on in the background and make sure your photo is of good quality.
- Sell in your local area. I find Facebook for sale sites near our hometown are a great source to sell pieces so I can avoid shipping expenses and can hand deliver.

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