Simple Gift Wrapping & Some Fun
We wrapped the girl's Teachers gifts and they turned out pretty cute! Super simple too.
We used brown paper bags, these cute printable tags I found HERE, and tiny clothes pins.
Now for the fun! Yesterday my little Lilians Kindergarten class made Gingerbread houses. It was so fun to go and help her!
Once we got home the girls wanted to play in the snow... Haha, in their school clothes no less.
Hope your enjoying your loved ones during this Christmas season!
A Day of Crafting
Yesterday I was lucky enough to spend some time crafting! It's almost food for the soul! Here are a few of my creations I made while Cadence and Owen we're napping... 
We've all seen those cute signs on Pinterest similar to this...
I love my new version of it!
I can't show this entire sign because it has the family last name of the person I'm giving it to. But I think it turned out pretty cute.
I can not wait to give these as gifts for Christmas! There is nothing better than a Hand Made gift! It really makes you feel like someone has thought of you. Happy Crafting!