We have lived in our home for almost 9 years. Over those years we've done some updates like new tile in the kitchen and bathroom and painting the exterior of our home but my décor hasn't been moved around much.
You know those "AhhhHA" moments?! I recently had one when thinking of our home. I want our home to be inviting (check out 3 Steps to Creating an Inviting Home), my family to feel at peace and welcomed and loved as soon as they hit our doorstep. I want to keep the biblical model of honoring our home, being a help mate to my husband and nurturing our children well. And I felt as though I was in a slump with our home of being robotic and just "getting by" mode.
It seems for so many years as our four kids we're tiny it was a huge challenge to just keep the dishes done and laundry washed let alone make thing eye appealing. Now our children are all at school age and I'm at the point in my journey that I can spend more energy in making the heart of our home to fit my personal style and functions. This marks the journey of re-creating each corner of our home one by one.
One Corner at a Time
This is our living room, well one corner of it. It serves the purpose of a meeting place for our family but the flow has not been great.
I've found when I love and value something I'm more likely to care for it well. Just like this space. It wasn't doing it for me. The wall décor has been up since we moved in with great expectations of finishing the photo collage and adding photos of our other two kids who have come along.
I find a lot of joy in creating beautiful pieces for others and painting furniture but my home does not represent that love well.
This wall hanging has been something to just fill the space but no real enjoyment comes from it.
I've now created a piece of art that I love, is with the current home trends and truly represents how I want my family to feel when they enter this room.
Our Lucy dog is getting old and spends most of her days warming spots on our couch for the kids to sit.
This mirror was in another room of our home. I moved it into the living room to help give some depth with the reflection of light.
The wreath hanging around the mirror was one I made with some craft wire, dried grass I cut down from the pasture and one of those metal wreath forms.
The metal "sconces" we're given to me by a friend who found them in her mom's chicken coop. LOVE that they we're truly farm used and at one time served a purpose other than holding some flowers.
And now, I truly feel like this corner of our home is meeting our needs at this time. Its far more eye appealing and simple.
May your weekend be blessed friends!
Who Else Has Trouble Sleeping? Check out THIS great read.
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